SELECT aia.invoice_num, aia.description inv_description,aia.attribute2 "Dept", aps.segment1 vendor#,
aps.vendor_name, aia.invoice_currency_code, aia.invoice_amount,tb.diff "Amount Remain",
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment2
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment3
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment4
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment5
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment6
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment7 ACCOUNT,
aia.invoice_date, aia.attribute5 status,
ap.NAME terms
FROM xla.xla_transaction_entities xte,
(SELECT tb.code_combination_id,
NVL (tb.applied_to_entity_id, tb.source_entity_id) entity_id,
SUM (NVL (tb.acctd_rounded_cr, 0)),
SUM (NVL (tb.acctd_rounded_dr, 0)),
SUM (NVL (tb.acctd_rounded_cr, 0))
- SUM (NVL (tb.acctd_rounded_dr, 0)) diff,
FROM xla_trial_balances tb
WHERE tb.definition_code =:definition_code -- Ex : 'AP_200_1001'
and trunc(tb.gl_date) <=TO_DATE ('1-NOV-2011')
GROUP BY tb.code_combination_id,
NVL (tb.applied_to_entity_id, tb.source_entity_id),
HAVING SUM (NVL (tb.acctd_rounded_cr, 0)) <>
SUM (NVL (tb.acctd_rounded_dr, 0))) tb,
ap_invoices_all aia,
ap_suppliers aps,
gl_code_combinations gcc,
ap_terms ap
WHERE tb.entity_id = xte.entity_id
AND xte.application_id =:application_id --Ex : 200
AND xte.source_id_int_1 = aia.invoice_id
AND aia.vendor_id = aps.vendor_id
AND tb.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id
AND ap.term_id = aia.terms_id
aps.vendor_name, aia.invoice_currency_code, aia.invoice_amount,tb.diff "Amount Remain",
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment2
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment3
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment4
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment5
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment6
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment7 ACCOUNT,
aia.invoice_date, aia.attribute5 status,
ap.NAME terms
FROM xla.xla_transaction_entities xte,
(SELECT tb.code_combination_id,
NVL (tb.applied_to_entity_id, tb.source_entity_id) entity_id,
SUM (NVL (tb.acctd_rounded_cr, 0)),
SUM (NVL (tb.acctd_rounded_dr, 0)),
SUM (NVL (tb.acctd_rounded_cr, 0))
- SUM (NVL (tb.acctd_rounded_dr, 0)) diff,
FROM xla_trial_balances tb
WHERE tb.definition_code =:definition_code -- Ex : 'AP_200_1001'
and trunc(tb.gl_date) <=TO_DATE ('1-NOV-2011')
GROUP BY tb.code_combination_id,
NVL (tb.applied_to_entity_id, tb.source_entity_id),
HAVING SUM (NVL (tb.acctd_rounded_cr, 0)) <>
SUM (NVL (tb.acctd_rounded_dr, 0))) tb,
ap_invoices_all aia,
ap_suppliers aps,
gl_code_combinations gcc,
ap_terms ap
WHERE tb.entity_id = xte.entity_id
AND xte.application_id =:application_id --Ex : 200
AND xte.source_id_int_1 = aia.invoice_id
AND aia.vendor_id = aps.vendor_id
AND tb.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id
AND ap.term_id = aia.terms_id