Thursday, July 7, 2011

Discoverer Desktop/Administrator tools Installation Steps (Secure Env)

1) Install BI Tool (discoverer) using below link:
install dektop and administrator from the setup cd.

Identify the Oracle Home for Discoverer
For example: You could find dis51usr.exe under the directory D:\oracle\BIToolsHome_1\bin. Then the Oracle Home is D:\oracle\BIToolsHome_1

2) Create SECURE folder in this path D:\oracle\BIToolsHome_1\discoverer\secure
and copy the file "example.dbc" to this dir.
(Discoverer requires Windows Environment variables to dynamically retrieve the location of the .dbc file on the PC.)

3.copy this (SET FND_SECURE=D:\oracle\BIToolsHome_1\discoverer\secure) path and add to "AUTOEXEC.BAT" file in "C Drive".

4. place TNSNAMES.ora file to this path (D:\oracle\BIToolsHome_1\network\ADMIN) for Discoverer tools.

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